Alan Miltz
It has never been more important to understand and manage your Cash Flow so you can preserve your cash. In any given business there are 7 critical levers that impact your cash. We call them The Power of One.
Key Takeaways
How to fix your business using the Power of One. How many 1% or 1-day changes does your business need to make it uplift business value.
How to create a culture of financial and business excellence ensuring your non-financial managers understand your business.
The 4 chapters of financial excellence (Profitability, Working Capital, Other Capital, and Cash Flow and Funding).
The Big 3 Cash Measures to be implemented in your business. Never before has cash been more important.
Mind the Gap - techniques that will help your company scale Profit, Cash & Value.
About Alan Miltz
Alan Miltz has dedicated his life to helping business leaders and everyone in their team loves the numbers. Revenue is vanity, Profit is sanity and Cash is king (or queen) are usually his opening words. Alan is a co-author of the global best-selling book by Verne Harnish, Scaling Up (having written the financial component of the book).